Forsaken by my Mate
By: KatVonBeck
Narrated By: David Sterling
12hrs 35mins 70 episodes Ongoing
Sabrina "Bree" Morris has been waiting for her true mate to come into her life. She was thrilled to sense him at the Luna ceremony at Stone Moon, for her best friend Jade. But instead of claiming her, he just walked right past her, following his chosen Luna, a human, to the dance floor. He ignores her and instead stays with his chosen mate. After feeling the pain of betrayal later that night, she confronts her mate, Nico, the next morning, asking him to just please reject her. He refused to reject her, so Bree rejects Nico, and he refused to accept it. Bree is now in limbo as she is still bound to Nico, and has to deal with the pain of betrayal for months as he won't release her from their bond. Nico ignores her pain, as he needs to have an heir for his pack, as his chosen Luna hasn't been able to produce an heir in their 3-years together. His chosen mate, Shelby, has learned a lot in her years acting as Luna for Nico's pack, the Golden Summit., and she refuses to be replaced by his mate Sabrina. Shelby makes plans to permanently break them up, and she will do anything to keep them apart. Will she be able to break their bond that the Goddess put in place for them permanently? Or will the Goddess give Bree the man she deserves in the form of a second chance mate? This is the sequel to Rejected, my Jaded Love.