Abducted( (The Alien Mate Index 1-6)
Narrated By: Evangeline Anderson
79hrs 36mins 274 episodes Completed
Book 1 Abducted:My name is Zoe McKinley. I have a boring life, an awful job, and a boss that throws staplers at my head. What could be worse? How about being abducted by Aliens? Being dragged through a mirror, naked and screaming, onto an extraterrestrial ship was bad. Finding out I had been sold to a huge alien male who looks like the Devil was worse. But learning he wanted to trade me to an intergalactic petting zoo was the worst of all! Now I'm whizzing through the galaxy with a robot butler, a trio of nib-nibs (they're like tiny green monkeys) and one huge, muscular, and very grumpy alien. The clothing they gave me shows all my lady-bits, the food-sim makes banana cream pie that tastes like sauerkraut, and Sarden, my captor, is too hot to stay mad at, even if he is a jerk. In fact, I think I might be falling for him. What's a girl to do? It's all in a day's work when you've been...Abducted. Book 2 Protected: When Grav sees Leah’s abusive husband hurting her, he swings into action. Before he knows it, he has Leah aboard his ship. When he’s given a dangerous and difficult mission, Leah volunteers to come alone and help…and somehow Grav can’t say no. But as much as he feels drawn to the lovely little human, Grav knows it can never be between them. For in his past lurks a bloody and savage secret that would turn even the most forgiving heart against him. From his past and from his true nature Leah must be...Protected at all costs. Book 3 Descended: Kristoff Verrai is the Captain of the Imperial Guard of the Goddess-Empress of the galaxy. For ten cycles he served his old mistress faithfully. Now that she is dead, his only job is to find and protect her new Incarnation until she can ascend the throne. He doesn't expect to fall in love with her.But a relationship between them can never be--the Empress must have a Consort with Royal blood and Kristoff is just a commoner.Can they fight the love growing between them? Or will it overwhelm them? If only Charlotte wasn't Descended from the most powerful female in the universe, they might have a chance... Book 4 Served: Drace and Lucian are Denarins—a race of the Twelve Peoples where two males bond together in order to join with a single female. An Alpha and a Beta make the perfect pair to attract and care for a woman in every detail of her life. But what happens when two Alphas get wrongfully bonded? That’s the dilemma Lucian and Drace are in and only a Pure One from Earth can help them. When they see Rylee helping a couple with their divorce in the AMI viewscreen, they decide she’s exactly the female they need to break the bond between them. Nobody asked Rylee what she thought about being abducted from her life on Earth and caught in the middle of a conflict between two huge, muscular alien males. It's okay thought--she’s a smart girl—she can handle herself. But once she gets a taste of being bonded to two sexy men who want to please her in every way, will she be able to stand by and watch them be…Severed? Book 5 The Overlord's Pet: Elli Thompson never wanted to be a pet—Her new Master tells Elli she may call him “Sir” and that she must learn proper pet behavior. He gives her a collar and trains her to walk on a leash—he even tries to make her eat a revolting concoction called “human chow.” But at least he’s not one of those owners who makes their pet wear clothing. No—Sir thinks that a pet with clothes on looks “ridiculous”—which means Elli has to run around his spaceship in her birthday suit all day. Elli is determined to escape, but after a failed attempt, Sir explains that he needs her for a reason and that the fate of her entire galaxy might rest on her shoulders. Apparently, this new responsibility comes with lots of extra-spicy “training,” too, which is really hard to resist. Will Ellie be able to save the galaxy? Book 6 The Baron's Bride:Natalie Hale hates her life. You would too if an alien merchant abducted you and then dumped you on a distant planet where it’s so cold even the buildings and infrastructure are made of ice. To survive, Natalie has to sell her blood, which is the only commodity she has. Because the inhabitants of O’nagga Nine, where she’s living, need blood to survive, she manages to make a meager living. But she’s barely scraping by until she literally runs into the Baron. Baron Vik’tor is the richest, most influential man on the planet. He’s also a half-breed—a Naggian/Braxian mix which means he has curling horns, blue tattoos, and a wicked temper whenever he thinks the woman he cares for is threatened. And it just so happens, he cares for Natalie.But Natalie’s personal Pretty Woman scenario can’t last long. The Baron is a powerful man and there are people in his life that don’t like her having influence on him. Some will even stop at nothing to kill her. Can Natalie survive being The Baron’s Bride?