Heart Of A Lycan Prince
By: Jannah DeeDee
Narrated By: Jenny & Tony
26hrs 02mins 103 episodes Completed
It was suppose to be a one night stand. Just a quick fix of her sexual urges. Just a taste. But it turned out to be something much more. After two years of an almost non-existent contact, Mazari Sherneil vowed to let go of the supposed mate; one who doesn't want her. With the daily struggles to fit into the norm of the society, she figured she was better off alone, than waiting on a man who clearly doesn't want her. They call him 'Bastard'. 'The Unwanted Prince.' 'The Rogue Prince.' Yet, all he craves, all he ever wanted, was to be loved. Yet, when finally blessed with the opportunity by Nyala, Amari Maverick shoves it away, embracing the idea of being unworthy. What happens when their paths crosses once more, their paths leading them to investigate the issue with the Lycan Kingdom and other realms alike? Will they embrace it and work together? Or will they further drift apart?