The Last Crescent Alpha
Narrated By: Adelia Clark
33hrs 56mins 152 episodes Completed
She’s the only last of her kind, the most dangerous, feared, and powerful, the last of the Crescent wolf, the wolf with not just the wolf genes but with witch abilities, she wasn’t just a witch…she don’t need spells to enchant, she was the most powerful sorcerer and an Alpha female whom the whole world of the supernaturals was against, it’s her against the world, she wanted nothing more than to survive. Malia Agnor, daughter of Alpha Agnor of the Crescent wolf pack has been on the run all her life after all her pack members were killed, she was good at it, running; until she met the person that she could never run from, he was always ahead of her, her mate… Beta Ezra, Beta of the Silver knight pack is just another ordinary wolf who fought for a place in his pack until he was presented with something more to fight for, he was always a winner but what if he’s yet to fight his most difficult battle, fighting alongside a lone warrior, his mate? Would he be able to mend her scars and show her the beauty of the world again, she’s been hurt, she doesn’t trust anyone and wouldn’t accept anyone, but what about him? Would she trust him…what if the only way to prove himself worthy enough was to stand against his own kin?